The story of Cantine Federiciane begins in the 1950s in Bacoli, in the heart of the Campi Flegrei, with the dream of grandfather Paolo. His son, Antonio, decides to expand the offer beyond Falanghina and Piedirosso and brings Gragnano back to life.
The company grows and moves to a new facility in 2001, improving the quality of its wines. In 2012, the suppliers join together in a cooperative of over 50 winemakers, becoming a central part of the company.
In 2012, the fourth generation enters the company, bringing new vitality. Today, Paolo, Pina and their three children Marco, Antonio and Luca manage the company with a team of young collaborators.
Cantine Federiciane has extended the vineyards throughout Campania, from farmers to oenologists, all dedicated to communicating the passion and care for wine production. The history of the company can be summed up in three words: Tradition, Innovation, Passion.
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