In the enchanting and untouched hills of Tortoreto, a bright and perfect place to create wines that tell the beauty of the Terroir
Tenuta Terraviva is located in the enchanting and untouched hills of Tortoreto, in the province of Teramo, a bright and perfect place to create wines that tell the beauty of the Terroir. These wines are as tenacious as the land from which they come and inspired by the sea breeze of the Adriatic.
The estate extends over 22 hectares of vineyards, arranged in a solar arc with a breathtaking view of the sea. We dedicate ourselves exclusively to the vinification of organic grapes from our vineyards, thus allowing the fruit of our work to express maximum satisfaction.
What distinguishes us is the obsessive attention to detail and constant attention to every phase of the production process, giving our wines an extraordinary level of quality. We have made the choice to vinify each portion of land separately to preserve the uniqueness of each micro-terroir.
Our philosophy is to faithfully represent the terroir of origin through our wines, for this reason we work exclusively with native vines: Trebbiano, Pecorino, Passerina and Montepulciano.