Welcome to our shipping page, where you will find all the information you need to comfortably receive your products at home. We know how important a fast, safe and transparent delivery service is, which is why we work with the best couriers to ensure that every order arrives on time and in perfect condition. Whether you are buying for yourself or to make a special gift, you will find details on costs, delivery times, and how to track your order at every stage. For any questions, our customer service is always at your disposal!
We ship quickly and reliably both in Italy and in the main European countries. Delivery times vary depending on the destination and location (smaller islands or mountain areas may require additional time). Below you will find the details:
Country | Standard Delivery Time | Delivery Time (Smaller Islands and Mountain Locations) |
Italy | 48/72 hrs | 96 hrs |
France | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Sweden | 120/144 hrs | 168 hrs |
Germany | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Belgium | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Netherlands | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Denmark | 120/144 hrs | 168 hrs |
Austria | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Finland | 144/168 hrs | 192 hrs |
United Kingdom | 120/144 hrs | 168 hrs |
Switzerland | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Spain | 96/120 hrs | 144 hrs |
Please note: The times indicated are expressed in working days and may vary based on the availability of the courier and any unforeseen logistical issues. You will receive a confirmation email with the tracking code to monitor the status of the shipment in real time.
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