Wines to pair with cheeses and cured meats: a sensory journey between taste and tradition


Wines to pair with cheeses and cured meats: a sensory journey between taste and tradition

Wines to pair with cheeses and cured meats: a sensory journey between taste and tradition

Wines to pair with cheeses and cured meats

Italy is renowned throughout the world for its gastronomic culture, rich in flavors and traditions. Among its excellences, a place of honor goes to cheeses and cured meats, artisanal products that encapsulate the history and passion of the different regions. But how can you best enhance these products? The answer is simple: with the right wine pairing.

Abbinamento Vini

A perfect combination

A good wine not only accompanies the meal, but enhances the flavors and creates a harmony of taste that makes the culinary experience unforgettable. For this reason, it is important to choose the right wine based on the characteristics of the cheeses and cured meats you want to taste.

How to orient yourself in the choice

In general, we can follow some basic principles:

Fresh and soft cheeses: prefer fresh and delicate white wines, such as a Pinot Grigio, a Sauvignon Blanc or a Vermentino.

Mature cheeses: pair structured white wines or light reds, such as a Chardonnay, a Riesling or a Pinot Noir.

Blue cheeses: dare with full-bodied and robust red wines, such as a Barolo, a Barbaresco or an Amarone.

Cured meats: for matured cured meats, such as prosciutto crudo or culatello, choose a full-bodied red such as a Chianti Classico or a Brunello di Montalcino. For more delicate cured meats, such as bresaola or mortadella, a rosé or a young red such as a Lambrusco or a Barbera can be ideal.

Beyond the rules

In addition to these guidelines, it is important to remember that wine and food pairing is a subjective experience. There are no absolute rules, but rather pairings that may or may not please depending on personal tastes. The important thing is to experiment and find your favorite combinations.

Some tips for unusual pairings

Taleggio cheese and Franciacorta: an unusual but intriguing combination, where the creaminess of the cheese is enhanced by the bubbles of Franciacorta.

Gorgonzola and Passito: a classic pairing that plays on the contrast between the sweetness of the wine and the spiciness of the cheese.

Raw ham and Moscato d'Asti: a bold combination that combines the flavor of the ham with the aromatic sweetness of Moscato.

The world of wine, cheese and cured meat pairings is vast and fascinating. With a little knowledge and curiosity, it is possible to create ever new and surprising combinations, for a truly unique gastronomic experience.

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